by Tekno Products (Since 1995)
Q : Where can I find TC10?
A : We have a large range of stores country wide that stock TC10 - www.tc10restorer.com/stockists
Q : My local stockist doesn't have TC10.
A : Check your alternative nearest stockist and notify us which store is out of stock. We will do our best to make sure that store gets stock as soon as possible.
Q : Is TC10 septic tank safe
A : Yes, however, use lots of water to rinse and preserve your tank's Ph levels, and use septic tank biotic topups periodically.
Q : Is TC10 toxic?
A : No. TC10 is a strong cleaner and strong acidic base but not toxic.
Q : Should I use PPE when using TC10
A : TC10 is a strong acidic cleaner. It is advisable to use gloves. Use a mask in poorly ventilated areas. If there is a risk of splatter, use eye protection. If you get TC10 in your eyes, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor.
Q : I accidentally ingested TC10. What should I do
A : TC10 is not toxic, but a strong acidic cleaner. Consult your doctor immediately and take the bottle with you.